What the Black – The Realms of Imagination
Timeline – Stone Age
The sun has risen few hours back. A primitive man walks out of his cave. He is dressed in animal skin and is seen yawning after a long slumber. He breathes out and smells his breath against his palm. He grunts at the foul smell. He rubs his eyes and walks to the nearest babul tree, breaks the bark of the tree and chews it between his teeth. He scowls at the strange taste and again smells his breath. He is not satisfied with the result.
Stone Age Man
Source Here
Timeline – Iron Age
The Iron Age Man looks sophisticated as compared to his ancestors. He has learnt the art of making weapons, tools and instruments made of metal. He wakes up early morning and uses charcoal to brush his teeth. It is a messy affair as it left his hands and mouth with black spittle. The charcoal makes his teeth white, he checks his breath. He isn’t satisfied with the result.
Charcoal to brush teeth
Timeline – 2013
People find the tooth brushes they use cleans their teeth but does not give a sparkling effect.
Timeline – 26th July’14
I receive an email from Blogadda Team stating I have been shortlisted for the #whattheblack experience. I would receive items over the next 4 days and the actual product would be revealed on the final day.
Timeline – 30th July’14
It is pouring like cats and dogs in Pune. I have been working since morning on the laptop and it is 4:30 p.m. when the door bell rings. I find a visitor with a box in hand and he tells me that it is a gift for me. It is blackbox with a sticker stating Day 1 #whattheblack.
I open to find a black egg inside which on close inspection reveals it contains chocolate.
What the Black – Chocolate Egg
My kids lose no time to break and relish this sinful delight. Bloggers on social media wonder how did the chocolate get into the black egg and how is the egg black in colour.
I could decipher the mystery but wondered why chocolate in black egg ? Also what is that got to do with #whattheblack?
I tried to speculate on the final product but was left clueless.
Timeline – 31st July ’14
I am just about to step out of my home at 6:30 p.m. when a visitor hands sheaves of black paper to me.
What the Black Newspaper
I couldn’t fathom why a black newspaper with the headlines chickens laying black egg? On reading through the newspaper which also had a sports section I stumbled upon an article stating Colgate has come up with a black toothbrush. In the corner of my mind I wondered if that was the untold secret about to be demystified.
Timeline – 1st Aug’14
I do not receive any gift and I am disappointed.
Timeline – 2nd Aug’14
I receive a black coffee cup with a black tissue paper. The mystery seems to deepen further. It was indeed expect the unexpected.
Timeline – 3rd Aug’14
I do not receive any gift. I was told there have been some logistic issues.
Timeline – 4th Aug’14
The much awaited final product is delivered at my doorstep. It is a slim soft charcoal Colgate toothbrush. Our ancestors did use charcoal but it didn’t give them fresh breath as food caught in between the gaps and gums couldn’t be removed.This product has slim and soft bristles that are infused with charcoal and help to sweep away food and plaque along the gum line, between the gaps of the teeth. The deep cleaning brings a shine and sparkle to the teeth.
Today the dental woes prevalent since the stone age have been resolved thanks to Colgate! And what do I say about Blogadda? The below tweet sums it all.
This post is in response to the #whattheblack experience held by blogadda in association with Colgate.