
I got the opportunity to visit city of Bath on a true English Day. Well the sun seemed to be playing games by hiding and peeping out of clouds. When I stood before the Bath Cricket Club I got a clear sky view of the beautiful Bath City and its structures built with honey coloured limestones. For interesting Skywatches visit  

Kutub Minar on a clear day

  The Kutub Minar at Delhi is a UNESCO Heritage site and is the tallest minaret in India made of red sandstone. To view such beautiful skylines visit here

  Skywatch Monmarte . A beautiful view of Paris from atop the Monmarte.  

Wards Island

Skycast – The Toronto Skyline from Wards Island across Lake Ontario on a cloudy day with the CN tower protruding out.    It was dramatic and the skies spelt tales of a downpour.    


Concorde a public square in Paris with the famous Egyptian Obelisk. A mighty structure that stands to tell stories of the past. To watch other skylines across the world visit Skywatch