The large stones stand testimony of time unheard. Spread over a circular perimeter of a vast expanse it is considered as a burial ground by few and astronomical observatory or a religious site by the rest. It is often told as Mystery of Stonehenge considering the multiple theories and myths that have been raised around these stones.
As we parked our car at Land’s End entrance and walked ahead we were greeted to the sight of a vast glistening and glimmering Atlantic Ocean. The pretty coves tucked are a feast for the eyes and once can soak in its beauty for hours.
Sea Gulls at Tsunami Island I was on my way to the Tsunami Island in Devbagh on a boat when I spotted a noisy colony of the sea gulls. Few flew above the ground while some stood close to the lapping water. They were an amazing sight to be watched. For many such sky stories visit
Monmarte – Basilica Sacre Coeur peeped out through the green foliage on a clear day. The popular church in the highest point of the city of Paris at Monmarte is a beautiful sight to watch. Tourists throng to this popular destination to view the city’s landscape and also to check out the church’s beautiful interiors. Also read – Paris – Love is in the Air Dinner with the Parisians Skywatch – Concorde Skywatch – Paris
Sunset at the Rock Gardens, Malvan a small town in Western Maharashtra. The honey glow on the sea was a beautiful sight to watch. Sunrises and Sunsets are always mesmerizing and captivating. I love to drink its beauty and melt in its changing spectacles. For beautiful skywatch stories visit