
This post appeared in Women’s Web Traveling is the tonic for life that keeps the soul replenished. Every moment brings in a new perspective to the journey called Life.  It needn’t be an exotic location but a local market that brings out the colours and flavours of the inhabitants.  It could be a life altering experience for a few or for that matter an adrenaline pumping experience. The benefits of these encounters that I term exuberance are multi fold.

Mel Gibson

           Life for me is a splash of colours in varied hues that depict the moods and emotions. Imagine a life without colors doesn’t it sound dull? Its these colors that bring in flavors to our feelings be it happiness, anxiety, hope, sadness, love, despair etc. that brings in a catharsis in our life.             India is a country where colors are the way of life. We see these splashes in the festivals that one could term as Celebrating Life. When…